Project Manager | Customer Success Team
Contract of employment9 000-14 000 zł gross / mies.
B2b contract9 000-14 000 zł net (+ VAT) / mies.
Kraków, małopolskie
Contract of employment, kontrakt b2b
Mid/regular specialist
Hybrid work
Remote work
Remote recruitment

We are looking for a coordinator who will be responsible for gathering clients’ requirements and feedback, reporting it to the design and development teams, and then ensuring the work is completed according to the schedule. Such a person would participate in meetings with both clients and internal teams. They would keep track of the projects’ progress through management software and direct communication with the development team. They need to be a person willing to cooperate with people using diverse communication styles. As a person most informed about the projects’ details, which then translate into features of our software, a coordinator would also cooperate with the Support Team.
Evidence Prime is a company born from the collaboration between McMaster University – a leading Canadian academic institution – and a group of committed and experienced Polish IT professionals. We joined forces with the aim of becoming the market leader in creating innovative IT tools for evidence-based health care.
Your responsibilities
Onboarding new clients -> Providing support with subscription setup and initial training if necessary
Maintaining regular client relationships -> Keeping track of current satisfaction rate and feedback, providing support, and connecting with the product team for new developments
Coordinating the ongoing projects -> Ensure the meetings’ output is translated into a taskplan, which is then transformed into solutions. The projects will most often relate to one of our two main products:
- Laser AI , an AI-based computer system that synthesizes available knowledge about a given health problem continuously and with minimal human involvement, accelerating the research and improving its quality.
- GRADEpro, a web application which provides an optimal environment for the entirety of guideline development process.
Providing support for the clients -> Answer the questions about the ongoing projects and the details of established products
Our requirements
Experience as a coordinator in any environment - school, university, professional, NGO and others.
Professional working proficiency in English (advanced level [C1] – most communication relies on a good command of English)
Great communication skills - you need to love communicating with other people (in spoken and written forms) and people need to love talking/writing to you
Ability to independently and quickly learn new software required for the project (e.g. task management and support ticketing).
Knowledge of standard office software (Excel/Google Sheets, etc.)
Flexibility in taking on new tasks and challenges
Ability to collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, requiring clear and explicit communication.
Attention to details
Analytical approach to problem-solving
A general interest in science
To provide proof of the above, please attach to your resume a written description of an occasion when you had to make use of your coordination skills.
Describe the challenges you faced and how you coped with them. Please refer to what you think might be relevant in the context of what Evidence Prime does.
The description must be in English and at least 500 characters long.
Applications missing the description will not be considered.
We offer
Your choice - work from home or from the office with flexible schedule
International environment (Canadian-Polish company)
Highly skilled teams of managers, developers, and designers
A unique, connected world of medical sciences and software development
Projects that have a real influence on human health worldwide
Stable (10yo) R&D company with a strong startup vibe
Administratorem danych osobowych jest Evidence Prime Sp. z o.o. 30-056 Kraków ul. Toruńska 5, NIP: 6772419788. Moje dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu rekrutacji przez Administratora. Wiem, że przysługują mi następujące prawa: prawo żądania dostępu do swoich danych, prawo do ich sprostowania, prawo do usunięcia danych, prawo do ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu oraz prawo do przenoszenia danych. Więcej informacji na temat przetwarzania danych osobowych, znajduje się w Polityce Prywatności Administratora.
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Evidence Prime Sp. z o.o. 30-056 Kraków ul. Toruńska 5, NIP: 6772419788 zawartych w załączonych dokumentach aplikacyjnych (w tym wizerunku), na potrzeby bieżącej rekrutacji. Zgoda jest dobrowolna i może być w każdym czasie wycofana. Dodatkowo wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w załączonych dokumentach aplikacyjnych (w tym wizerunku), na potrzeby przyszłych rekrutacji przez okres 12 miesięcy. Zgoda jest dobrowolna i może być w każdym czasie wycofana.
Praca alert - powiadomienia
Project Manager, Kraków
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